Ken is a collection of minimalist standards and tools for building small knowledge graphs. It's optimized for human readability, static content, and interoperability. All public Ken projects are free & open source.
This project is in-progress
Feedback is highly appreciated. Please leave feedback in issues on the Github page. Please do not share Ken publicly until it is made public.
Data is stored in raw TOML files. There are no databases necessary.
Human Readable
The Ken Standard and KenML are optimized for human readability. This helps for using git and similar to manage knowledge graphs.
A unique ID system helps make sure that different knowledge graphs can be combined.
The Ken ecosystem is made of several small parts, favoring flexibility over standardization. It's possible to use any number of these parts.
Optional Privacy
Because all data can be stored in static files, whatever access restrictions apply to those files can apply to the data. The current Ken explorer application can be run locally.
Optional Decentralization
There are no necessary trusted parties or organizations. All of the relevant information can optionally be shared using decentralized tooling. IDs are not URLs, so are not coupled to specific websites.